Corporate Governance Policy


The Company is aware of the importance of good corporate governance that it is a key factor to help promote the operations of the Company and its subsidiaries to be efficient and have sustainable growth. This shall lead to the best interest of stakeholders which includes employees, investors, shareholders and other stakeholders. Therefore, the Board of Directors deemed it appropriate to establish a better corporate governance policy that covers the main principles which begins with the structure, roles, duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors as well as the transparent, clear, verifiable management principles for the executives in order to be a guideline for the organization’s management. This ensures that any of the Company’s operations are fair and take the best interest of all shareholders and stakeholders into account.

In order to create the Company’s credibility with all shareholders and stakeholders and for the benefit of creating sustainable business value to be in line with the expectations of the business sector, investors, as well as the capital market and society as a whole, the Company established a good corporate governance policy by adhering to the principles of good corporate governance for listed companies 2017 which was prepared by the Securities and Exchange Commission to be a guideline for the Company’s corporate governance.